Personal Pronoun

Concept Explanation

Personal Pronoun

Pronouns: are words that can replace a noun in a sentence. Their role in a sentence is similar to that of a noun. The noun that is replaced by any pronoun is called its antecedent. For Example

Rohan is a good student. He is very attentive in the class.

Here He is pronoun as it replaces the noun Rohan.

Personal Pronoun:  Personal pronouns that refer to the association with a particular person or noun. There are two types of personal pronouns.

Subject Personal Pronouns: They refer to the subject of a sentence. For example : we, you, I, he, she etc. They are also called pronous of the nominative case.

Object Personal Prononuns: They refer to the object of a sentence. For example : me, us, her, them etc. They are also called pronous of the objective case.

Use of Personal Pronoun:

  • They should agree in number, gender and person with the noun that they replace.
  • When they are used for collective noun, it should be singular in number and of neuter gender.
  • When they are used for collective noun, where each individual is considered seperate they are used in plural.
  • (a) The mangoes are cheap, but they are not ripe yet.

         In this example, the noun mangoes is the antecedent of the pronoun they.

    (b) Because they are sour, the mangoes will be used for making pickle.

         In this example, the pronoun they stands for the noun mangoes, which occur later in the sentence.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Identify the correct personal pronoun in the following sentences : -

    1. The carrots went bad so we had to throw them away .

    2. Rishi bought a new laptop three months ago. He absolutely loves it.

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    Fill in the blank with appropriate pronoun:

    The manager and _________ had to travel a lot to promote our newly designed product. 

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 3

    Identify the correct personal pronoun in the following sentence

     Come look at my cat! He has climbed to the top of that tree.


    Right Option : B
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